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Industry News
Natural defects of stone
时间:2021-03-29 09:08:55 来源: 总浏览:983 字体:16px | 14px | 12px
The granite paving is not prone to problems. The problem is cnc marble cutting machine usually marble. Some marbles have many natural defects, such as cracks, blisters, looseness, and pinching. If these defects are not properly repaired and compensated in advance, once it is laid on the ground and is exposed to moisture and some bosch marble cutting machine harmful pollution, it will take the lead in causing lesions and damages in the defective parts and spreading from it. And the higher the grade of marble, the more likely it is to be damaged and cracked. Some very precious stones are the easiest to break during the paving process, so the installation process needs to be carefully taken care of and not installed violently.
1. In the selection of floor marble materials, we marble machine price must give Party A correct opinions based on the characteristics of the stone. Stones with softer stone materials such as wood-grained stones and stones with makita marble cutting machine more cracks such as the Golden Century Beige are not easy. Choose for ground stone use.
2. Before paving the stone, check the granite stone cutting machine surface of the board, and remove the hidden cracks, pinching, and other hidden quality stones.
3. When constructing large-area ground stone, it is best to leave a 1~2mm natural seam between the slabs, and do not fully lay the joints to sandstone cutting machine prevent the stone from bulging and cracking due to temperature differences used granite bridge saw for sale and water pressure inside the stone.